Fully Informed Jury Association

McLennan County TX FIJA 2018
McLennan County TX FIJA 2018

On January the 29th, 2018 the Fully Informed Jury Association volunteers, Eric Schafer and Matthew Barnes of McLennan county, were informed that they can not be on “public” property, because it is now “private” county property.

The words, secure facility, compound, campus, courthouse and private are all synonymous with one another and used to describe the walkway between two government owned buildings on 5th and 6th Streets in downtown Waco, Texas.

The sheriff’s representative in the video speaking is Lt. K. Furgeson.
“My video didn’t take, but I heard part of the conversation Lt McGee had with Matthew at the courthouse. Basically, he told us we could be on the sidewalk at the perimeter of the campus. I heard him mention the open carry and complained about people leaving the brochures on the floor in the potential-juror mtg room. He said he would have a letter next Mon on Sheriff’s Dept letterhead.

Neither Lt gave a legal reason for why we couldn’t be in the area. We simply were not allowed there, but the jurors were allowed there.” – Eric Shafer – F.I.J.A. Volunteer

Recording in the video below was done by Matthew Barnes as he, and Shafer go to the McLennan County Sheriff’s office to inquire with the owners of the land about the notice to not trespass.

The F.I.J.A. volunteers have been dutifully handing out educational literature to McLennan county residents in the alleyways (shown in red brick below is the alley in between 5th and 6th streets) and sidewalks, usually on Monday mornings with the goal of finding the hands of those reporting for their jury duty.
We would want the residents as informed of their rights as possible and educated on the principals of freedom, would we not?

McLennan County Courthouse 2018
McLennan County Courthouse 2018

This is not the first time that this group has been harassed or told to do some unconstitutional act by the officers of the court, who are simply obeying orders from those who occupy the pulpits inside.

Matthew Barnes | Randall S Gates | BobSmilie - FIJA
Matthew Barnes | Randall S Gates | BobSmilie – FIJA

The officers of the court went so far as to get their cousins to show up during the Jake Carrizal trial and pose as protestors, so that the judge could admonish them in open court without a real advocate to protest such nonsense. (*Fake cousins not pictured here.)

One might say that the Mistrial of Jake Carrizal was due, in part, to these types of FIJA outreach volunteers, that the jury was informed enough to find themselves in an adverse agreement to guilt during the Carrizal trial which led to a mistrial verdict.

A large “Thank You!” goes out to the men and women who helped make these educational events possible over the last 14 months in McLennan County Texas, and for several years nationwide. Thank You FIJA!

Just a friendly reminder to all of the taxpayers of McLennan County Texas, in 2014 the Net Worth of McLennan County was 10.2 Billion dollars.

McLennan County Net Worth 11-2014 10.2 Billion dollars
McLennan County Net Worth 11-2014 10.2 Billion dollars