IN the sprawling suburbs of Houston, Texas many men and women enjoy the mild weather by riding down seemingly endless roads on two wheels. Due to the safety concerns of such fun freedoms this type of fun comes with some “does and do nots” of staying upright as well as staying in one’s own lane. For those humans who roll around in “cages” as biker’s term cars and trucks, these rules of the road might seem a bit ruthless, extreme or un-necessary, yet in comparison with some other ancient religious traditions, military standards and customs, these rules are no different than many other religious tenants. There are Motorcycle Clubs that form to keep theses rules of the road in check for the enjoyment of the road for all, including making sure certain clubs do not wear certain patches that are not sanctioned and approved or behave in a manner that is negative towards the biker community on the whole.
Stolen Valor
These rules and regulations are often unknown to anyone who is not a biker, and if someone is a biker and does not respect these traditions, rules, protocols, and regulations it is seen as an ultimate disrespect to those who live by this code. Imagine a news reporter trying to pose as a biker in order to get a story on the “rules of the road,’ and this female reporter shows up wearing a black leather vest with the Sons of Anarchy logo on the back, and a red and white 1% diamond on her front pocket. This might seem harmless to the average e-bay shopper because it is simply available for purchase there. However it is no different than a homeless person putting on soldier’s uniform with a Ranger Tab, without having even ever served his country and lying to others about their service to this country.
Screen capture from ebay where different types of patches can be purchased. Usually the manufacturers of these patches are from China, and only US Made patches are issued by US MCs.
If it is not earned, it is to NOT be worn. Civilians get arrested for posing as a police person. There is a law against practicing medicine without a license, or selling insurance, or you name it, and without qualifications you get sued or jailed. In the world of two wheels, what you put on your bike, or vest, or chest matters the same. Unsanctioned patches are the same as posing as a cop, and there may be no written law, but the code of the road dictates consequences.
An unsanctioned patch can be one of the wrong color, shape, Trademarked Design as in stolen art, territories, unearned status as in rank, as well as other military like distinctions.
This news reporter would be seriously wrong to do such a thing as pose as something she is not, but if she did not know any “better”, she either:
did not do proper due diligence for her story,
did not understand the moral behind the principle,
did not ask the correct folks for a better understanding behind the clothing, OR
she wanted to instigate a known situation for a desired response for a story.
SOA faux leather cut ebay
For the purposes of this illustration let us assume that this reporter knew that it was a bad idea to wear a logo from a T.V. show and the colors of one of the largest Motorcycle Clubs (M.C.) in the nation, and she showed up to a known hang out for this club in order to get a reaction.
The duty of this club’s Support Club – (a normally smaller group that acts as a support unit for the larger group, providing help in organizing events such as a charitable event, very much like a support unit in the military) – in this situation with the reporter they would notify the reporter that she would not be welcome to continue to wear that leather vest anywhere.
Now, it is up to the interpreter of this scenario to understand why she should not wear the described vest, but it is most likely because the red and white one percent patch does not belong on any garment except one club’s line of clothing, and they do NOT allow anyone else to wear it with out earning it. Depending on the location and situation, the organization that informs the reporter may not be very polite in this educational process. Let us assume that the reporter told this support club that this is “a free country and that she could wear whatever she wanted.”
For the sake of argument let us go back to this homeless person putting on the uniform of the soldier to gain sympathy, thus stealing the Valor properly earned by a soldier. The fact that around 70% of bikers are Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the moral code that is all too similar to the reporters situation, will likely be dealt with in a similar fashion to the homeless person. It is no coincidence that bikers and Veterans both call those who are not them – civilians. Any civilian who insists on claiming that they are something that they are not, they are disrespectful at the least.
Now consider both the reporter and the homeless person insists that they have a right to freedom of speech to justify the wearing of these things that they did not properly earn. Who is correct in this predicament?
Does the person who earned the right to wear the Ranger tab have the right to correct the civilian whom is presumably in the wrong?
Now how about the biker whom feels completely disrespected by the reporter – even after educational information that the biker provided to the reporter was received, she still insists that because she bought the patch online she has the right to wear it and should not be removed from any public or private venue for wearing said garment?
There is such a thing in the United States of America as the Stolen Valor Act and the “Stolen Valor Act of 2013 – Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:
a Congressional Medal of Honor,
a Distinguished-Service Cross,
a Navy Cross,
an Air Force Cross,
a Silver Star,
a Purple Heart,
a Combat Infantryman’s Badge,
a Combat Action Badge,
a Combat Medical Badge,
a Combat Action Ribbon,
a Combat Action Medal, or
any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.
So the homeless man may not be breaking any laws claiming to be a veteran and a former Army Ranger, however he is breaking an “unknown” code of claiming to be something he is not, which is upheld by those who actually did serve their country with that tab on their shoulder and etched into their hearts. They will call anyone out who is wearing this tab or uniform with a tab on it and seek out the truth, it is almost spiritual in existence. For bikers the need to call the police for such an infraction is non-existent, because they handle such issues themselves.
The former congressman Ron Paul has a sign on his desk that states, “Do Not steal the government hates competition.”
This sentiment also applies to any civilian when it comes to the government which requires a civilian to be dependent on the government for such things like safety. Perhaps consider the following perception; there is a statute in some states that makes it a crime to NOT report a crime to the police.
Texas Penal Code § 38.171 Failure to Report Felony –
(a) A person commits an offense if the person:
(1) observes the commission of a felony under circumstances in which a reasonable person would believe that an offense had been committed in which serious bodily injury or death may have resulted; and
(2) fails to immediately report the commission of the offense to a peace officer or law enforcement agency under circumstances in which:
(A) a reasonable person would believe that the commission of the offense had not been reported; and
(B) the person could immediately report the commission of the offense without placing himself or herself in danger of suffering serious bodily injury or death.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.1
In certain cases it is a class A misdemeanor to NOT report a crime to “authorities,” and a civilian could be guilty of witnessing a crime and NOT reporting it to the “government authorities,” yet with all Federal Representatives, and some other select elected officials, all government agents – officers of the court – police officers, lawyers or judges, not only witness a crime, but commits a crime, these agents have immunity from punishment. This means that a government agent, who is paid a monthly wage and earns money towards their retirement with our tax dollars, can not only commit a crime, but witness one, and NOT be held to the same standards as “We the Civilians.”
This is called the Qualified Immunity Doctrine.
Qualified Immunity Doctrine – FBI website page on training in the law
Clearly Established Law
“While law enforcement officers recognize the inherent risks of their occupation, they should be comforted by the description given by the Supreme Court as to the effect of the qualified immunity doctrine on one of those inherent risks—that of being sued civilly. In Harlow v. Fitzgerald, the Court explained that “government officials performing discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.” The plaintiff in Harlow, A. Ernest Fitzgerald, sued, among others, President Richard M. Nixon and one of his aides, Bryce Harlow, alleging that he was dismissed from his employment with the Air Force in violation of his First Amendment and other statutory rights.
Image from the FBI’s website discussing their teaching of the Qualified Immunity Doctrine in 2017.
The defendants sought immunity from the lawsuit. While ruling on the issue of immunity, the Supreme Court distinguished the president from his aide. First, the Court noted that its “decisions consistently have held that government officials are entitled to some form of immunity from suits for damages. As recognized at common law, public officers require this protection to shield them from undue interference with their duties and from potentially disabling threats of liability.” Justice Powell, writing for the Court, continued by recognizing that: [o]ur decisions have recognized immunity defenses of two kinds. For officials whose special functions or constitutional status requires complete protection from suit, we have recognized the defense of “absolute immunity.” The absolute immunity of legislators, in their legislative functions, and of judges, in their judicial functions, now is well settled. Our decisions also have extended absolute immunity to certain officials of the Executive Branch. These include prosecutors and similar officials, executive officers engaged in adjudicative functions, and the President of the United States. For executive officials in general, however, our cases make plain that qualified immunity represents the norm. [W]e [have] acknowledged that high officials require greater protection than those with less complex discretionary responsibilities.“
Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Ecclesiastes 1:9 “what has been is what will be, and what will be done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”
Matthew 23:1-4 “Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you , but not the works that they do. For they preach but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on the peoples shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with their finger.” – the Jesus
This type of situation is not new, to have lawyers making all of the rules, laws and regulations that govern our everyday existence.
Q: For whom does the government serve if not God?
Q: Does the government serve the people, or do the people serve the government?
A: The answer to “who does the Government serve?” is: the government in all forms serves money. As long as there is money to be made, that action will outweigh any other human right that might have once existed.
Funding of government(s) is now not only taxation of “income” of the citizenry but also the ever increasing “taxation through citation.”
Taxation is theft, especially when spending tax dollars on political agenda items rather than on the people who supplied the funds to begin with. Corporate greed has steeped our tea long enough.
Proverbs 24:24 “Whoever says to the wicked, ‘You are in the right,’ will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations.”
Luke 11:52 “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter your selves, and you hindered those who were entering.”
Matthew 23:13 “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.”
Did any of the above information answer the “How did we get here question?”
If so, then there is not even a need to mention the events of Waco, Texas on May the 17th, 2015.
However, since this research is specific about the events of Twin Peaks, and the beginning of this chapter mentioned Houston, Texas, let us create a quick nexus. Houston has a close suburb called Pasadena, Texas. One of the deceased was from Pasadena, Texas as was his family; his mother “Spike,” his Step-Father “Big O,” as well as Chain’s “Wife” who is still a proud “Devil Woman,” they all belonged to the Cossacks “MC.”
‘Chain’ or Richard ‘Richie’ Matthew Jordan II, was a practicing Wiccan or as some have called it ‘Satanist,’ and his beliefs would show up in his prayers and preparations for the events of the humid Spring day in mid May. Photographed in Atwoods parking lot around 10:30am Sunday Morning May 17th, 2015. Image was posted by his mother on her facebook account
The Cossacks met as a group around 10:30 am at the Atwoods store parking lot on the morning of May 17th, 2015. Some members from out of town bought ammunition, a long chain, and other useful items one would need on the way to peacefully join a C.o.C. & I. meeting later that day.
Cossacks seated at every spot on the patio in Twin Peaks on 5-17-15 around 11:30am
There only seem to have been a handful of females present on May 17th, 2015 at Twin Peaks. Why would the Cossacks not have their ole ladies with them on this special day? What was the intent?
The positioning of the Cossacks at Atwoods was a dual purpose, to greet Cossack riders from the North, as well as to intercept a local Motorcycle Club in case they happen to head towards Twin Peaks where they were to be setting up the local Confederation of Clubs & Independents meeting for later that day at 1pm.
Owen Reeves, Richard Jordan, and Jason Barnum all knew the plan,and they are not the only ones with knowledge of this plan. They are just close ridding buddies. Barnum told Nikki Stone what was going to go down, she was also a detective for Waco PD. Someone told their girl friend, Lt. Howell at the jail, what was going to go down. “Spider” told his crew, who made sure to tell Chip Hundley and Shawn Board what was going to go down, heck, they even trained up on it in down town Waco on May 14th 2015 near a school with reports of large explosions.
Google Maps image of the location where the training reportedly happened on May 14th, 2015 in downtown Waco, Tx.
DPS knew about it on the 15th of May 2015 when they wrote their CID Operation Plan:
Image of the Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal Investigations Division Operations plans
Criminal Investigations Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety Operation Plan. Note the “Deconfliction: None” – No plan to de-escalate this potential hazerdous situation. Only plans for EMS, and even gives the address for EMS to respond.
Flying J Truck stop is directly next to Waco Harley Davidson. Inside Flying J there is a Denny’s facing closest to the I-35 frontage road and these businesses share a parking lot area. Burger King is on the corner of the I-35 frontage road and the New Road intersection.
Chain pictured here as the Regional Sgt at Arms of the Cossacks in 2014, this picture taken at the Harley Davidson dealership in Waco, assuming his region is McLennan County, yet he was riding with a Nomad, his step-father (NOT PICTURED HERE), Big O, both from Pasadena, Texas.
This is almost a bottle neck location for access to Twin Peaks and the Central Texas Market Place, locals use this I-35 turn around coming from the south to get into Twin Peaks. North and South Traffic would bottle neck in front of the Flying J. Bikers also like to get gas before stops to eat, so they don’t have to after wards and can just get on their bikes and ride.
This particular day in May the Cossacks would be riding by Flying J gas station on their way into Twin Peaks. DPS would see the riders in their full numbers as they rode into the Marketplace parking area from I-35 frontage road.
The stories provided to the press by the Cossacks in the after math were that they were invited to this C.o.C.&I. event by a Nomad Bandido, this person denies the invitation. These stories were able to be used by those in custody, while those who got wounded and not arrested that day, all stated that they were shot by the few Bandits in the parking lot. It seems the Cossacks were there to peacefully respond to the invitation, heavily armed, and in large enough numbers to fill a patio and partial parking lot, but not to join in the meeting itself.
Facebook image of an Upsher County Cossack with a riding mask in his garage, where there happens to be a Nazi war flag hanging behind him. Circa 2014.
There was an incident at the bike night at Twin Peaks a few weeks prior to May 17th, 2015; where a local Cossack group riding motorcycles were supposedly “cut off” at a traffic intersection near the Flying J Truckstop on I-35, by the Los Pirados MC on their way to Twin Peaks. Los Pirados MC got there first and parked where the Cossacks wanted to park, or had reserved parking that no one knew about but themselves, what ever the case, Paul Miller the newly found President of the Hill County Cossacks was upset enough that he thought he deserved a phone call of apology later.
The respectful return phone call was informative. “Nationals were in the group of Cossacks that were riding in this pack bound for Twin Peaks, and felt disrespected by the turn of the group into the parking lot first.” Simple and respectful return of words. Problem solved, right?
What happened next was pretty much the straw that broke the camels back, because C.o.C.&I. Riders had been getting harassed (sometimes on video) by Cossacks in McLennan, Bell and other counties for almost 2 years. The cops usually did not get called except for the Lorena incident on March 22, 2015, but that was because that guy had to go to the Hospital or die, also because it happened on the side of the road way on a busy Highway – I-35 in stuck traffic.
jason barnum sworn in by Parnell McNammara-5-8-17
Odd that cops did show up and follow C.o.C&I. riders away from these events where the Cossacks showed their class, or lack there of, so it had been obvious for some time that local law enforcement was not going to help the situation.
Around April 2015 at the “bike night,” the local Los Pirados MC Vice President “Slide” was approached by Owen Reeves – “Cossack Big O,” along with what some witnesses say, is Jason Barnum, a Waco Police Detective – “Cossack Duct Tape”, and three other Cossacks.
Big O stated to Slide and his riding companions that, “this was a Cossack town, and that they should go tell their boss, that no Big Fat Fucking Mexicans are welcome in Waco. Waco is a Cossack town, you hear?”
There was some other altercation type scuffling but nothing grown men could not handle themselves, especially in public. No police were called, however they were later found out to be involved, as well as watching (in) the parking lot, the parking situation, in addition to the patio area where Big O approached Slide.
Cossacks seated at every spot on the patio in Twin Peaks on 5-17-15 around 11:30am
Was the intent to instigate a response after the C.o.C.&I. had scheduled a political meeting at the local Cossacks favorite watering hole?
Who knew of the intent to instigate at the local Waco Police Department level, or McLennan County Sheriff’s Office, or Regional DPS level(s)? Was any known police officer, or undercover police, sheriffs department, DPS agent, DEA agent, Federal Law Enforcement agents EVER in any capicity to encourage ANY conflicts between the Cossacks and any other C.o.C.&I. members?
Cossacks occupying the patio tables at around 11:55am reserved for the C.o.C.& I. meeting at 1pm
The accusations have been present since this incident took place that there was a biker with a Cossack cut on, whom also took the cut off and dawned a face mask and badge at Twin Peaks Massacre on May 17th, 2015. This information makes it hard to believe that any group with that many law enforcement connections would loose so many riders.
Cossack Bear standing on the patio of Twin Peaks May 17th 2015
Why did so many Cossacks show up, heavily armed and occupy every seat on the reserved patio, take up every parking spot reserved for the event, and assault the only lady present who was setting up the space?
Why would law enforcement watch the Cossacks assault Los Pirados MC Vice President’s wife, “Drama” as she told the approaching Cossacks that the parking spaces were reserved for C.o.C.&I. Members?
Why would WPD SWAT watch the Cossacks run over her foot with their bike, surround her and call her a cunt, bitch, and spit in her face whilst shoving her out of their way to park?
Why would the story later be that a Cossack got his foot ran over when that Cossack admitted it did not?
Who wrote this narrative change for Public Information Officer of the Waco Police Department Patrick J. Swanton?
Image from the video from Twin Peaks patio on May 17th, 2015, just as the party that reserved the patio showed up to park.
In all of the Cossack versions of the story of why they were there, they were sure of one thing, the C.o.C.&I. was a front for the Bandidos and all the clubs under them paid them dues. There was nothing said about territory, or drugs, it was dues.
About a year after the Twin Peaks Ambush the author was contacted by Paul Miller.The conversation turned into the asking of this question. “How much money would your clubs be responsible for if they did pay dues?” Our calculations totaled $90,000.00 in dues a year at their monthly quoted rate from the news. This was a monthly due amount of $150 per chapter at 50 chapters. (5 member minimum per chapter)
Cossack K. S. seen here shooting towards the parking lot where law enforcement engaged targets. Was he shooting at the targets or the cops? Who were the targets?
The actual dues would be: $7,500.00 per year or $30.00 per person per YEAR. It cost each of these riders more than the yearly dues just to sit, eat and drink in protest at Twin Peaks. It cost some riders their lives in protest to a false statement to begin with.
When both Mr. Miller and Mrs. Reeves asked where that money would go to, the response was, “$7,500 would go to pay for law enforcement for security and parking at the next State rally in Austin.” Neither one had much positive to say after those words. Mrs. Reeves mentioned that “her brother had done time for the Bandits down in Houston, and what ever they were doing was no good.” She also opined that “Pasadena had been over ran with mexicans and that is why they moved here….”
For the average reader all of this club stuff may be confusing, so let us conclude these thoughts above and try and define one more thing: The term 1%, as in context to the motorcycle community.
Social Media Meme depicting the apathy of the majority of tax paying citizens.
The one percent definition rarely has a positive connotation, however these bikers that call themselves ONE percenters, they represent the MOST positive aspect of this characterization. The 1% depicted above in this meme are the worlds ruling elite, the families that control the courts and the officers there of, the banks, the health care, the agriculture, the oil, the guns, the ammo, the water, your life in general is supporting and answering to these families above.
Biker 1% ers are not a part of the 98% that do not care, they are the 1% that DO CARE. Not only do they care, but they are awake and concerned to the trouble that this country is in, as well as our local communities. Biker 1%ers are trying to stop the mayhem that they have been accused of inflicting for so many years with false accusations from a run-a-way police state government. Unlike the depiction above, the average biker is a peaceful protestor and would not start a riot over the loss of a sporting event or any event.
The founders of almost every 1% MC chapter that are still rolling today were Veterans. For the last 60 years bikers have been the brunt of police brutality, constant Federal instigation and numerous botched stings that landed the Feds empty handed.
PublicInformation for the time, date and location of the C.o.C.&I. Meetings.
Twin Peaks Massacre was no different. The C.o.C. & I. had sponsored a few bills in Austin Texas in 2015 that related to Motorcycle Safety and Second Amendment issues. The Legislative Strike Force for the C.o.C.&I. was to update Texas riders from all regions of Texas in Waco on May 17th, 2015 at the Twin Peaks Restaurant at 1pm.
A bit of History on the C.o.C.&I. As the Confederation of Clubs (Motorcycle Clubs) and Independents, the two had never been joined in a formal fashion until Texas. MC’s and Independent riders do not usually meet together to discuss politics, club or otherwise. Texas is special, and with the C.o.C. as a model from other states, it only made sense to keep the independent clubs included when trying to form a solid front for political strength after TMRA II closed down with the passing of Sputnik, the famous tattooed biker bill reader. Having talked with former TMRA / II leadership, it was obvious that the entire community of motorcycle enthusiasts have had a hard time staying united as a group due to club politics, egos and over all lack of leadership that was politics concentric.
After Sputnik, the need to form a coalition of like minded clubs in Texas was necessary, but since there was only one MC in Texas that was a 1% club with a dominant position of riders, the position of Facilitator and Security for such an organization automatically fell on the “Folks that your Mothers warn you about.” An ironic twist of fate to see the new style club of Bandidos with a 21st Century mode of operation in the role of Political Rights Advocates.
The Bandidos of the 70’s had cleaned up their ranks, gas tanks and learned valuable lessons from their past members actions. Guilt falls up hill and to keep allowing the actions of a few members to tarnish the entire club name was no longer tolerable. With that cleaning of house, a new found responsibility of “master of ceremonies” for a needed political organization was placed on the new crew. This might help the Texas Chapter show the National Chapters that the International Chapters would have to take on this new found role with them. That did not work out so well for the International chapters who had several internal conflicts that ensured that participating in politics as a club would never be in the bylaws.
MC’s are the folks that you call when you do not want to call the police. B.A.C.A. Or Bikers Against Child Abuse is a great example. The police will not enforce Civil Family Law in most cases and parents are left worrying about their children’s safety. BACA gets a call and they take it more seriously than the police.
Local neighborhood bully keeps harassing your sister, and you need back up, you find a biker with a bottom rocker and you ask for help.
This is where the police have a problem with the MC world. When you do not call the police for help, they will find a way to punish you for some reason.
Since the C.o.C.&I. was formed and the Bandidos were a part of the infrastructure, the Department of Justice had the Texas Department of Safety create a task force through CID. The goal was to infiltrate and dismantle the first political organization in Texas to successfully lobby, create legislation, and….. just before they got the money appropriated from congress for motorcycle safety, they were shot down in a parking lot in broad daylight by the very same task force created to monitor them.
The story that was sold to the public was that the Bandidos were fighting Cossacks over their use of the Texas bottom rocker patch, when in truth it was because the Cossacks did not care about politics, MC protocols or traditions, and the leadership of the Cossacks had zero clue to the reality of what the C.o.C.&I. are all about or the importance of Motorcycle Safety and Legislation behind it.
The powers that be in the DEA, FBI, and ATF needed that little bit of lack of education to be dominant in the focal points of conversation in their push to lead the Cossacks towards a road of hatred for the Bandidos. It was easy with some help turning brothers against the big bad bandits of the south.
Smith County Texas had their ATF raid on a Cossack Sargent at Arms in 2015.
Chip Hundley the Mexia Detective/ DEA agent arrested one Cossack for drugs in Bellmead in 2014,
as well as a former Bandido, after planting drugs on him and setting up his family to turn on him in 2014.
One can only assume which one cooperated with Law Enforcement in that scenario. It would also make sense that the WPD detective Jason Barnum was surely writing weekly reports that were disseminated up to CID. It would be safe to assume that there were at least 3 agencies writing reports about the actions of the Cossacks.
After the above formula was in place, it was a matter of making sure that the Cossacks know that the C.o.C.&I. were a front for the Bandidos and the rest could almost finish itself. However Bell, Limestone, Ellis and Hill counties had some serious infiltration from members who had also run into Iron Circle rider Richard Hundley, the DEA agent who worked in those counties with a DEA task force. His job was to rope in the Bandidos by any means necessary.
Now would be a good time to start putting faces to names as far as Law Enforcement is concerned since their names will be the focus of the research for the majority of this writing.
McLennan County Sheriffs officers, along with a WPD officer who fired his weapon on May 17th, 2015.
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